MORE things to think/worry about.

Mar 22, 2007 09:38

Transportation issues:
- Road repair and improvement (yes, it's part of my charge as an OUT board member)
- Long-term goals of the OUT board - I want to find a way to put permeable pavement in the goals...
- WHY can't more people just ride the fracking bus?
- How to get Duke's transportation people talking to the rest of the MPO
- That email I got from the TCH Bike & Ped board this AM about an opening on the board
- and finally, getting my fat lazy bum back on a bicycle immediately, if not sooner.
Which leads to personal health:
- The knees are MUCH improved, yay! This means I need to start exercising more.
- Which would be much more likely if there were a safe way to ride from CH to Duke.
- Which takes me back to transportation issues - can we, the OUT board, work on widening Erwin (just 2 feet!!) in Orange Cty? And if so, how do we get Durham to work on it for their part? I KNOW there'd be so many people all over that road, on their bikes. Well, on the side of it.
Which leads to the relationship between health and ways of getting around:
- It is a whole 8 miles, maybe 10, between my office and my house. If I could bike it, I'd be exercising, reducing pollution (well, some, anyway, but because I already take the bus, it wouldn't have as much of an impact as someone who drives would), reducing me, improving my well-being etc. and so forth. But Erwin is freaking scary, all along its whole length, but especially between 15-501 and 751.
- So, I take the bus. Which means I do at least walk some, which is good.

advisory boards, transportation, bicycles

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