Memories: Steve tells an agent where to go without saying much at all.

Aug 16, 2019 15:50

Once upon a time, when Steve was much younger, he was in a band that was getting really popular. They were interviewing agents and one asshat of an agent (sorry, that's redundant!) kept poking my husband in the chest all night and saying he was fat and needed to lose weight, etc.

But here's the thing. My husband has a barrel chest, but he has always been extremely fit. At that point he was almost at his first degree black belt.

So, at the end of the night when most of the bar patrons had gone, the agent did it one more time... And my husband took him to the middle of the dance floor and told him to stand still. He then whipped a roundhouse kick just one inch from the agent's nose. And told him they would not be needing his services.

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