Wow was yesterday a loooonnnng day!
The Old Spaghetti Factory in Seattle was bought by some damn developer. It will be turned into condos. Boo Hiss.
It is one of Steve's favorite restaurants. We haven't been there in a year because, well... Cheese and carbs aren't the best mix for Steve's health. But of course, we had to go for one last hurrah. Yes, I know there are other locations. But... back to the effect of cheese and carbs on Steve. We won't be going to any of the other locations.
Steve had an appointment at the VA. Those are always a long day. I was able to get him future appointments for many services, and FINALLY got his diabetic shoes back on track. See, way back over a year and a half ago Steve had a shoe appointment but he had the heart attack and missed it. Edema from his heart recovering from the trauma swelled his feet up, so he didn't use his real shoes for the next six months. So, of course, we fell off the track for getting the two pairs of shoes and orthotics a year from the VA. Steve and Drew have the same size feet, so Steve would wear the shoes six months and then pass them on to Drew. I actually had to BUY Drew shoes! GASP!
Anyhow, getting back to yesterday. It took a few hours, and a LOT of walking through the rabbit warren that is the Seattle VA, but I got everything checked off the VA To Do list. Steve tried to avoid having a blood test. He always does... but the new pharmacist assistant wanted to have a fresh A1C from him so we can get started on tightening down his blood sugars again. He had a little meltdown in front of his primary doctor's nurse. We had to actually talk him into getting the blood test, as if he was a four year old avoiding a shot. (Did I mention I hate this disease?) He had just peed, though, so we'll have to head to Bremerton on Tuesday so he can take the whizz quiz.
So, Tuesday morning will be a fasting blood and urine test in Bremerton early early early. Then we'll have breakfast at some greasy spoon, and hit Cash and Carry for all the staples. WHEE!!! Might get a nice roast or two for a Christmas meal if they're a decent price. We haven't been to Cash and Carry since spring, so we'll probably drop a couple of Benjamins and fill the back of the car with such exciting items as 50 lbs of potatoes and onions. PAR-TAY!!!!
In other news, Martin has a girlfriend. Not sure if I've mentioned her in this journal before? They've been together about a year now and it's looking serious. She is a super sweetie, so that's a plus. For now we'll just call her E.
E had a medical appointment in Seattle yesterday also. So we decided to save gas and just drive together in the Matrix.
Side note: I still ADORE my Matrix. And it was great when Martin was sixteen and had no social encumbrances. But five large adults is just a bit more than the Matrix can handle. We did it... but I am really jonsing for our next vehicle. I've picked out a Toyota Sienna. I won't go into all the whys here. We'll stick with the fact that it will easily be retrofitted with a wheelchair ramp should we ever need one, and it has two rows of captains chairs and a third row comfortable enough for a grown up as big as my son. It also handles nicely and gets decent mileage for a van.
After the harrowing dr appointments and related low-level drama we all went to The Spaghetti Factory for that one last Hurrah! We met E's parents! They seem like very, VERY cool folks. Old school Scadians. Lots more to say about them, but I don't want to spill too much without consent from them. I guess it might be OK to link to her dad's LJ here: I sat too far away from E's mom, so I could barely hear her. Next time I will sit closer. Because I want to hear what she says. I am sure I will learn much from her.
Bonus points? They have a Bernie bumper sticker on their van. :)