What would you do if... Created by
gd-mcr-fan and taken 115 times on
Bzoinkyou were invisible?become a super hero and save people! and of course spy on peoplehad no parents?i would cry. then i'd adopt parentscouldn't talk?i would die, because i NEEd to talk.were told you were goin to die in 3 days?live life to the fullest, and tell everyone how i relaly feel about themif u were famous?i would do ALOT of things...u were the richest person alive?help all the poor people, and help the environment, and help the world, and then shopyou could do ANYTHING?anything....?if you could live anywhere?france and switzerland and pittsfordcould kill anyone and nobody would kno?do you really wanan know 0:)you lived in africa and didn't have computers?i would help all of the starving children and the corrupt governments. and i could MAYBE live w/o a computer...? if you had 20 siblings?umm, moveif you could be the president for the week?fix the iraq mess and use my power to meet famous pplif you could have your dream room?then i would love it and be in it all the timeif you could meet anyone famous?theres a bunch of peopleif you were bill gates daughter?livin the good life....
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