Sep 07, 2006 18:59
Well the first week of school is just about over. A quick run-down if you will....
Friday- moved into my apt. with the help of my parents, brother, and my amazing boyfriend who drove to my house loaded up more of my crap helped me unpack for hours. It was alot more work than I realized and I couldn't have done it without them. Friday night we also had a party for PDave which went really well and was a lot of fun.
Saturday- FOOTBALLLL : P Lisa came over, which was just awesome, and that's about all I did
Sunday- went to the first church service at ULC under the direction of St. Luke's . That will take some getting used to, but I'll give it a go. I then ran off to Frankenmuth to babysit my adorable little neice Sophi and her cousin. I got to see my sister and brother in law which was very nice as well.
Monday- A group of us went and saw Ryan's play which was AWESOME! We then hung out at Lisa's apt. and had a great time.
Tuesday- First day of class. I got to start IV's on my fellow classmates and instructor. I did well, it was awesome! I was also told that afternoon that my evening clinical got switched. -Thanks for the advanced notice.- Ben came over and we hung out all night, which was wonderful.
Wednesday-classsss all day. not too terrible though. Then Ben and I went out for a late dinner to celebrate our 1 yr. which is Sat. : D more hang-outage followed.
Today- did awesome on the first exam of the year, got free pizza and ice cream from school and drove my Ben to the Amtrak station.
Tomorrow I have breakfast at my Psych instructor's home, and that is all. The week has been fabulous. Monday starts clinical and I'm slightly terrified. We are responsible for so much more now, and so much of it really hasn't been explained. AHHH! My psych placements are at the Forensic Center and a high school for pregnant teenage girls & their babies. and my med/surg is at the U. This year will be an adventure, slightly overwhelming for the time being, but it will be manageable.