Jul 03, 2008 08:19
Okay, so a lot of things happened the past few days, or better yet, hours.
I'm sitting in the Japanese 10 class for review; there are three of us, and we now sit at the back of the classroom, making trouble for everyone else (a.k.a. human dictionaries who are useless because we keep on talking). Then our sensei tells us we're going to have another teacher - a Japanese teacher - from the embassy. YAAAAAAAY. He came in yesterday. His name is Inoo sensei. (Yup, same family name as Inoo Kei of Hey Say JUMP).
I pushed Janno (one of the other 2 sit-in students) into asking him if he liked Matsumoto Jun. Inoo sensei said he did, so I went to ask if he liked Yamapi. And then he said he didn't. So I asked again, "How about Nishikido Ryo?" And he said... "Maa.. a bit." I told him I saw "Last Friends" and I really liked it. And somehow it escalated to a conversation between the 3 of us (sit-in students) and Inoo sensei about JE. HAHAHAHA! Mind you we were all taking in Japanese. And I was kind of a blubbering mess because I had to speak in 4 different languages all at the same time for those who were listening - Japanese, English, Tagalog and Cebuano (coz not everyone in the room knew Cebuano). And I got so confused... My head hurt afterward. But it was a real fun experience. I'm sitting in that class again. YAAAAAAAY!
Kenny and I have to really talk about UP Hai, I've got lots to tell her. WE NEED TO ORGANIZE UPHAI like, RIGHT NOW! Just sent a text message...
Will continue later because my class starts at 9am and I still need to take a bath.
no lj cut,