Dec 08, 2005 20:38
It doesn't come easy to say this, but after talking to my parents and looking through my options, I have decided to return to America after this semester. I'm living out the rest of my semester having a lot more fun knowing I'll be back home soon and with a lot less worry. Those who need to know why I'm leaving, I've talked to and I'm not going to get into all the information on here, but I'm finishing out my semester unless something dreastic happens. And I'm having more fun than I previously was.
Today was a really hard day. I had problems sleeping for a few nights in a row, so I woke up not only with a migraine at 7 am, but also tired and extremely down. I'm feeling a lot better now, although I didn't go to classes. Right now I'm in a low period, although I was really happy yesterday. I blame lack of sleep plus everyone being depressed around me. I worry for my friends. *hugs and love, you know who you are*
But yesterday... I had a ton of fun with Nicky. I was feeling down yesterday too, but in the afternoon we went to Umeda, shopped, I got a USB key, we each got a spiffy hat, we ate out at this great restaurant that I can tell is gonna become one of our favorites, went to Joypolis, took those funny little Japanese pictures with each other - the photo booths are incredibly amusing, and I think I'm turning Japanese. =P We finished up our evening with Starbucks coffee and crepes, both of which are incredibly popular. I think they put crack in the lattes at Starbucks. I'm starting ot assimilate - I keep drinking the Cream Brulee Latte each time I go - a small slice of heaven. And I have another hippie hat - so happy. I didn't have luck finding a coat (and the ones I found were all about $250, meep), and I haven't decided which translator I want to buy to replace my old one so I'm going back. Oh darn. Sugar! >_>
And thus, hocked up on sugar and caffiene, we proceeded to make our way home, giggling the entire train ride home. We were stuck in the train car where EVERY SINGLE PERSON in there was chewing gum. I kid you not. And it was crowded, since we were in the 11:00 train. This is where we started laughing - I said, "Clearly, we got in the wrong car. This is the chewing gum car. We should be in the strung out on sugar and caffiene car." I can't help but snicker now thinking about it, hehe.
I have a craving for okonomiyaki like there's no tomorrow. It's bizarre. I will take a picture of some sometime so you guys can see what it is.
I also have pictures, which I will add in here probably this weekend. Pictures of the pictures we took in the photobooth. Yeah, I'm weird.
My room is a disaster and I haven't eaten all day, so this is me, signing off.