Today I woke up and decided to make toast. Normally not a big feat, unless you're in a foreign country. My roommate was busy so I didn't want to bother her and ask if I could use her oven toaster (she's said it's ok if I use it, but I still ask because that's the polite thing to do). So I went downstairs to use the oven toaster there. The mickey mouse one in the corner was burnt on top so I assume it's broken (yes, it really is Mickey Mouse). The other oven I thought wouldn't be a problem.
Boy, was I wrong.
It has no common sense way of operating. It's all buttons. I couldn't figure it out. So, frustrated and defeated, I limped back to my room to stare at my still uncooked piece of bread.
It was then I realized that I had another problem - I don't know how to ask if i can use or borrow something in Japanese. I've been here two and a half fucking months, and I can't even ask simple questions in Japanese. Please explain to me how my schooling is helping me. On the bright side, I can semi-converse in bars now.
Here are pictures of the infamous toasters:
The burnt Mickey toaster.
So, since my roomie was gone when i got back, I shameless ganked her toaster, used it, and put it back up. I still feel guilty. And embarrassed that the conventional oven is smarter than me.