(no subject)

Aug 24, 2006 12:42

Did I ever mention that I hate the beginning of the semester? There's so much stress learning where to go for classes, which classes to keep or drop or switch. Which, by the way, I hate the SMSU/MSU system. At Oswego students added and dropped classes freely for the first two weeks of the semester and it was pretty much a free for all - "class not available now? Wait two days! It'll likely open up!" That was pretty much my way (and everyone else's way) of thinking at Oswego. People switched around classes like crazy and it was great because if you found out an instructor wasn't working for you or that a class wasn't what you expected, you could drop it and likely get another good class. And there were no penalties for adding or dropping those classes during those first two weeks of the semester. Here at SMS/MSU it's the total opposite. Almost no one drops or adds classes. There are penalities if you dont' drop within the first two days of class (which it's hard to drop during the first two days because you want to make sure you can get into another class but all the other classes are full!).

Why am I bitching about this stuff? Because I can. And because I'm trying to switch a class and I've found another class that I would prefer to take, but it's full. The instructor has given me permission to join the class because one of her students hasn't shown up for the first two classes. Well, it should seem simple right? Just get the teacher to sign a form and wa-la! you're in the class. Not here. It's soooo not like that here. Here I spent an hour running around trying to find the right person to talk to only to find out that I have to have the professor sign a specific form and then I have to run that form to the registration office or I have to get her to walk over with me to the registration office so that they can add me into the class once the other person is dropped. They wont add me in until they're sure the other person has dropped. Now I would understand this if it was a limited seating class and they were worried about something like over-crowding. That's not the case. The class has about half the seats empty. But apparently they have rules with the Gen Ed classes about the number of students per class and all this hoopla bullshit that just drives me nut. So I'm feeling a little bit of that beginning of the semester pressure. Gods I hate this. I just want to settle into my schedual, find my rhythm and get on with life instead of all this running around. Not to mention I still need to go get books, but I can't get books until I figure out exactly what classes I'm going to be in. Oh life is just a grand ball of joy.

Sorry. I'm bitching. Majorly. I appologize.

Work has been... somewhat okay. As long as I don't have to shelve books in the nonfiction area I'm fine. I'm very very slow at my job (at least for now until I learn where everything goes - and then supposidly it's going to get a lost faster). And as long as I'm sorta left on my own with a cart and some books and no one harrassing me... well, it's okay. I still feels like the slowest person on the block. But I guess I'm getting better. I've only had 3 days. Tomorrow is going to be my fourth. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow... first off I have work at 8:30 and we know how much I love mornings. Second off... well... the class I'm trying to add actually starts at 8am and so I had to get up at 6:30 this morning and I took a sleeping pill last night to try to get to sleep at 11pm, but I guess the sleeping pill just didn't want to work and I swore I laid there for about 3 hours without getting any sleep. And then I think I did some of that light drifting in and out of sleep because I woke up a few more times but since time passed so swiftly during those wakeup times, I must have gotten some sleep. But then my dad turned on the attic fan... and that was fine, even though hearing it go on woke me up again. But the problem with the fan is that sometimes it has problems and a piece of metal will swing up into the fan's path and then will start up this hidious hidious racket of metal hitting metal repeatedly at fast speeds and it is not fun to hear. Needless to say this work me up. At 5:30. I'm pretty sure I didn't start going into a drifty sort of sleep until after 2am. So I think I got about 3 hours of sleep or less. And tomorrow I get to wake up early again. And we know how well I am at getting naps or going to bed early. I seem fine today - I'm not really tired at all which is weird. But i'm pretty sure it's goign to hit me tonight and then I'm going to wake up as one of the worst grumps into the world tomorrow because my body will have caught up with me and insist on more sleep and I wont be able to get it.

Wow... I'm soooo full of joy today. Can you tell that I spent an hour gettnig the run around out in the 90 degree heat climbing stairs and running around from building to building? Yeah. Not a happy mares. And I'm only writing in my journal right now because I'm waiting for a reply from the instructor that's going to add me into her class - we're trying to figure out how to get me added and so I'm waiting for her to email me back with her room number so I can go to her office and talk. Every time I've emailed her she's replied within fifteen minutes or so. But not right now. Even though she just sent out an email telling me to come to her office, and I just sent an email back asking where her office is... and now she's not replying. If she doesn't reply in the next ten minutes or so I might just walk over to the building I think her office is in and just start wondering around looking for names on doors. Who knows though, maybe she just replied to my email right before she had to lecture in a class or something. I'm sort of driving myself crazy here.

So the Ren Faire plans are sort kinda maybe on. Who knows. I need to talk to my boss about seeing about days off (I've been meaning to for the past week and I just don't see my boss that often and usually when I do she's running around giving me instructions and by the time I remember to ask her for time off she's gone missing somewhere. She seems to be all over the place. She's not one of those bosses that sits in her office. No, she's out there doing as much as everyone else or more. So I keep forgetting to ask. Hopefully tomorrow will be the day. If my mind is functioning tomorrow.

Hrm. What else to day.... my class schedual right now is pretty wacky. If I get into the class I'm trying to get into my day is goign to be like this 8-10:50 I'll be in class, and then I'll have a break from then until 2. And then I'll be in class from 2-4:50. So I'm sort of getting a 3 hour break in the middle of my day. Crazy, no? I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to be doing during those hours. I could go home, but I'd waste nearly an hour in driving (walking to and from car, making sure I have plenty of time to get to class on time, traffic, yada yada yada). I might just do homework during my break. If I have homework. Or I might just read. Who knows. I'll figure something out.

Okay, no reply from the instructor. I think I'm going to get going now and figure out where to go from here. Hope everyone else is doing okay.
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