Time well spent

Nov 18, 2009 02:10

Tonight, I went out with a few friends from the department and the older son to watch the meteor shower. We knew it wasn't going to be a spectacular show, but I had another reason for wanting to go: I really wanted to spend some time with the kiddo.

It was an hour drive out and we were there for two hours, then another hour back in.

I have hardly seen the boy for the past month. It seems like the only time we are both home at the same time is when I am trying to work on something. He's been very neglected.

I was half worried that someone would tell me I had to take care of something tonight or there was a meeting or something. I decided a couple days ago, however, that nothing was going to keep me from tonight. I'm glad I made the decision because, for a little while, I did get to spend time with my kid and find out what's going on in his life.

I am so looking forward to not having to be in crisis management mode. That's what this whole semester has been and will be until it's done. I really hope that once all these other issues are out of the way, I can finally find a semblance of a routine.

grad school, family

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