"Here is a plea, from my heart to you..."

Jan 04, 2009 17:31

I'm posting this here because I'm just wondering if someone out there knows someone who may want my kitty.

We're at the end of our rope with Madeline, our blonde kitty. After six months in a kennel that was big enough for her to lounge and a giant litter box, she has regressed to pooping outside the box every day, sometimes multiple times per day. We can only conclude that either her aversion to litter is extremely strong or that she really hates sharing boxes with the other kitty. We are hoping it's the latter as she did fine while she was at a kennel by herself for a week and a half last summer.

Anyway, we have tried everything, gotten her IBD under control. She's on meds for anxiety and steroids for IBD. We also buy her special food because of her chicken and corn allergies. We contained her in the kennel at home but a month after transitioning back out, she started up again. We've tried to find a home for her, especially if it could be outside so that the litter box wouldn't be an issue. I can't keep her as an outside kitty because we live next door to a dog used for hunting and a police dog. She'd be dead in a week. She's been vaccinated to be an outdoor kitty...or she may do okay in a home where she is the only cat.

At this point, we've done everything the vet could think of. All of it seemed to help for a while, and then she'd fall back into old habits. I called the humane society this week. They won't take her because they've already got 2 or 3 cats that have inappropriate urination problems for which they can't find homes.

Our only option at this point is to put her down because the vet can no longer think of anything and we can't find another home for her. If you happen to know someone who might consider taking her to see if she would be okay in another home, I'd be grateful. I really don't want to put her down, but we can't keep an animal in the house that won't use the litter box.


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