The second Monday of the week...

Mar 11, 2008 08:00

Today is research day. I'm finding that it's very nice that I have most of Tuesday and Thursday free so that I can focus on my project and not worry too much about it the rest of the week.

I still have tons of papers to review, but in the meantime I also have to write up a preliminary draft of a paper discussing the current state of some of the aspects of the research we're interested in pursuing for the project. I also have to get a presentation together to give in about a month on (mostly) the same material. (I will also be cooping a lot of this stuff for a presentation for my photonics class. Most of what we're looking at is RF applications, but there's also a lot of research going into optics applications...which is what I plan to talk about for my class.)

But before I try to do some work, I did find a couple cool things to share. There was an interesting blurb on asking what does Spitzer have against Quakers? (His alias was the name of one of the Quaker founders.)

Abbi (primrose) has also apparently begun running around with a camera, too. She has some awesome pics she took of St. Louis. Check them out!

I also thought it was humorous that I made this post on Saturday. I then saw this post on Pharyngula less than 24 hours later. I thought it was funny as we both were amused by the comments about school.

This did make me wonder, though. If a bunch of conservatives started running local schools and instituted co-teaching of ID or creationism, would some of the people who are so opposed to homeschooling now (presumable on the basis of imposing some sort of homogenized social norms/awareness) do the unthinkingable? Would they suddenly think homeschooling was a better option?

Okay...I'm done pondering. Time to work.

school, photos, science, research, homeschooling

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