Kitty issues...

Jan 12, 2008 22:58

For the past two weeks, kitty has been doing very well in the cage. I usually let her out for 1-2 hours every morning and again in the evening. We've had no problems.

A couple days ago, I got a Feliway diffuser. Supposedly this has kitty pheromones to help calm them down. Anything to help, right?

Since she'd been in there two weeks, I decided to try letting her stay out during the day and the put her back in for the evening.

I was thinking tonight how I was glad this appeared to be getting under control, when I decided I should go down and feed them. When I got down there, I found she'd gone outside her cage right next to the box.

What's worse is that she had to walk through the cat genie (self-cleaning cat box) to get to that spot.


So I guess now we have to try the cage thing for another week. If that doesn't work, we're going to have to try Prozac on her.

I just have a bad feeling that all this is going to result in no change.


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