The holidays...

Dec 23, 2007 21:30

We celebrated Christmas with my family yesterday. It was a lot of fun, and I found that I have a real talent that, until now, has gone unrealized. I managed to buy clothes for my sisters that they actually liked!


What this means is that while I have no taste and fashion when buying clothes for myself, I apparently can do it for other people.

I bought a women's dress suit for my sister. My goodness, she looked gorgeous in it.

All I could think of, though, was how this sister was a biker chic, rebel, metal and big hair girl as a teenager. I told her that if I had said she would be working as an accountant as a teenager, she would have thought I was utterly nuts.

She looks a lot better in a suit than a metallica t-shirt, glittery eye-shadow, 7 in. hoop earrings, and hair almost to the ceiling. Way better.

I hope this talent extends to my in-laws.


For once in my life, I lucked out with a kid getting sick. Younger son has a bug of some sort. He came down sick on Friday afternoon at 4 p.m. He's been sick all weekend. He was still running a low-grade fever today. His daycare is shut down tomorrow, so we don't even have to ask ourselves if he really is well enough to go.

I swear this is the only time in my life that I managed to have a kid get sick on a weekend/holiday when I was planning to be home anyway.

I doubt it'll ever happen again.


Older son left for his dad's today. He flew by himself for the first time. On the flight from Minneapolis to San Fran, he sat next to someone from the econ dept. at NDSU. They spent the flight writing the first chapter of a fantasy story together.

I really hope older son wasn't driving this person nuts.

Unfortunately younger son woke up at 3:30 a.m. and didn't go back to sleep until about 8:30 (for a half hour). I had to get older son up at 5:30 to make sure he was there early enough for his flight. This means I've been up since about 3:30, although I did have a half-hour nap.


I have big plans for tomorrow. Lots of house cleaning, and even though Mike is staying home, I actually am going into work to see if I can run some simulations I need for my papers.

Keep your fingers crossed that I can actually get all this stuff done.

older son, christmas, younger son

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