More on being a mom...

Nov 13, 2007 21:46

I've decided that older son did inherit two personality traits from me. The first is a predilection for puns (and perhaps and affection for alliteration). The second is not a good tendency toward sarcasm.

I have this little radio in my head that plays two channels. One channel is all the things to say that are on the socially appropriate side. It reminds me to be polite and even tempered. I won't go so far as to say that it tells me "all the right things" to say, because as I've discussed before, I'm only a social butterfly in nerd circles...not the real world.

The other channel says all the things I'm really thinking. Heck, even if I'm not intending to be mean, it spits out all the sarcastic, ironic, and mean but clever things I could be saying. I've had to really work to turn down the volume on that channel. When friends are around, I tend to let loose and say many of the things I'm thinking with "that part" of my brain...but even then it sometimes goes too far.

My son definitely has the same thing going on in his head, except the second channel (i.e. the "bad" channel) is definitely winning out.

He apparently was singing the theme to Jaws in the hall today (don't ask me why...I have no clue) and a random teacher told him not to "make inappropriate noises". I have no idea what he said to her, if anything...but he seems to think she's got a thing against the Jaws theme. Later, he was talking to a classmate, saw this teacher, and made a comment to the effect of, "I'm in trouble now...she saw me breathing." She apparently overheard him and he (surprise, surprise) was sent to the office. The principal wasn't there, but he gets to see him tomorrow.

I discussed with him what he would say tomorrow, and initially it was very sarcastic, biting, and negative toward this teacher. I asked him if he would rather say something biting and end up in detention, or try to sound apologetic and avoid detention.

"But Mom, I'm not sorry!"

I guess he cannot tell a lie. I'm expecting a call from the principal tomorrow. But part of me is a bit proud of him for sticking to his that really twisted way that my mind works. (Although I know he can annoy the heck out of people, I've also seen a lot of people be annoyed with him just for being himself. I think it gets out of hand sometimes.) Of course, it's not like I can tell would smack of condoning bad behavior, which is definitely not what I want.

older son

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