We have a rifle match in Ohio, so I'm leaving right after classes today and won't get back until sometime early Sunday morning. Traveling with the team should be interesting... and I'm really excited to have real food instead of the cafeteria for the first time in months. It's probably sad that I am this excited at the prospect of Chipotle, but I miss it!
I have Supernatural to watch on the bus ride (although haha, I really should never watch that show in the company of other people, I know I act ridiculous! And I am still completely unspoiled, but I am so excited by all of the squee on my flist) and am still very upset at the recent lack of Glee. I need my shows, damn it!
And to everyone doing NaNo, you are absolutely crazy and I am totally in awe of your prolificness.
lady_sarai &
jelliclekat, I AM LOOKING AT YOU. Keep it going, you're amazing. ♥
edit QUICK, REC ME YOUR FAVORITE LONG FICS! I'll be on a bus for around 20 hours this weekend and may actually finish my homework before we get back. And let's face it, reading Sam/Dean or J2 is preferable to problem sets no matter what.