Jul 17, 2009 22:26

So I'm currently waiting for my orange line train home, which apparently has an hour-long delay. This is AWESOME because now I can write about this evening's shenanigans with sadcypress & beckaandzac!

asdfhjksfgnm AMAZING. I went into this movie with very low expectations, honestly, so I loved it A LOT.

(Before I forget, though, I 110% approve of Becka's fangirl signal! POST ABOUT THAT SO WE MAY ALL UNITE.)

ANYWAYS, HP6 was so much fun, particularly because it is far better to giggle inappropriately when you're with fangirls! But seriously, that shit was NOT SUBTEXT. DUMBLEDORE IS PIMPIN' OUT. There were crazy amounts of SEXUAL REFERENCES in there. I very much approved of this, but how did that get a PG rating??

In related news, Ginny Weasley is kind of a BAMF. <3

There were some very pretty new boys in there too. Like Blaise Zambini & Cormac whatshisface, who was such a dick. I've forgotten A LOT, though! I feel like such a bad fangirl for not seeing the midnight showing or remembering major plot points! I obviously need to rectify this by revisiting old HP fic or something.

Oh, old fandom. You took my fandom virginity and then I left you for Supernatural. In restrospect, I was kind of a bitch to you.

Speaking of SPN, because my entire LIFE is spent speaking of SPN, we of course began the evening by discussing Jared Padalecki. And his ridiculous forearms and hands and that beautiful, beautiful diet coke can. (This is pretty much everything perfect in Emily's life.) We were all rather shocked that Jared Padalecki seems to have made a Good Life Decision by turning down a bad movie! Jensen Ackles, unfortunately, will apparently never learn.

TRAIN IS FINALLY HERE. Time to go home and sleep before dragging my ass to work in a few hours! The moral here is to watch HP6 and to get yourself a fabulous fangirl signal STAT.

ETA The awesomeness of fangirls was too much for my life to handle or something, IDK! I fell up the steps coming home and somehow gouged a five-inch wound around my elbow, accented by several smaller ones and a neon purple bruise right against the bone. I have three extra-large bandages & I don't expect I'll be able to bend my elbow at all in the morning. WHATEVER, STILL WORTH IT. :D

movies, omfg squee, flist is love

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