Mar 02, 2009 12:40
There is currently the slightest possibility that I might be able to go to New York City for the first week of spring break - a friend and I, who have always wanted to travel together, are tentatively making plans for either a road trip or staying with her cousin in NYC. I've never been there and I'm so excited, even if it's only for a few days (I have softball practice/games the second week).
But more importantly, I'm kind of overwhelmed by the infinite options, aside from all the typical touristy stuff. Any New Yorkers on my flist? I'd love to hear about your favorite places, things to do, etc. - particularly on a limited budget, because I am perpetually broke! The dates would be something like March 16-22, give or take a few days either way. But this will be my first spring break trip, because my family doesn't do vacations, and I really hope everything pans out. ♥
road trip!,
flist is love