Jul 27, 2007 13:05
a guy that types the lectures for the med students is sitting a table away from me. i dont know what it is about that guy doing something so ... almost counterproductive. but it maks me feel the very same way, incredibly. i am not that guy though, and i dont care that he is getting paid to type something that he will not remember next year. [if he does indeed go to med school]
i feel counterproductive because i am still in college. i am still after a political science degree. and all i can think is that i should be somewhere else right now. i let things affect too much, but i would much rather think that i was just looking for an excuse to be idle. and so i was, because having a broken heart sufficed enough. but to be honest i was over all of that fairly quickly. and now i have been with adrian for almost a year.
and i am happy.
i finished reading book seven and i am not too sure how i feel about it, and i think that i will have to read it again before i can really be too sure. i do know that i was right about a lot of thing, though, or rather, i guessed correctly. i did, however, have no idea what the deathly hallows were and the closest to being right about what i thought they could possibly be was my guess that they were wands ... and that it only thirdly correct.
the significance of severus snape was, i knew, great ... but i really didnt expect his secret. and i think that whole human existence in the story is who i will remember the most.
for he only made one request of harry, for himself ... 'look .... at .... me'
and everything else he did was for her. i want that kind of love.