Battlestar Galactica Frakkin' Ficlet Battle

Sep 22, 2006 09:44

Today is the two week mark to the premier of BSG Season 3 and if you're anything like me, you feel like the agonizing yaw of time between LDYB.2 and now is just getting more agonizing (we're so close, yet so far away!). What better way to pass the time than writing and reading BSG drabbles and ficlets?

How This Works

* From now until midnight EST next Friday (September 29th), anyone can submit drabble/ficlet prompts to this post. You do not have to plan to write a ficlet to submit prompts.
* On Saturday, September 30th the prompts will go up in a separate Battle post.
* From the time the official prompt post goes up on 9-30, you'll have until the S3 premiere airs on October 6th to write a drabble or ficlet for any of the prompts posted.
* You can enter as many times as you want, using as many prompts as spark your interest. Multiple people can use the same prompt, so nothing is ever "taken" or "claimed".
* The only restriction on the ficlets is that they fit in one comment box (4,300 characters).

Guidelines for Prompts

* Prompts should be simple: Give me a character *or* pairing and one inspiration word.
* Gen, het, and slash all welcome. Bring on the RPF/RPS if you want. Crossovers with BSG are also welcome.
* No S3 spoilers. Speculation based on promos is allowed.
* If your prompt is a crossover, please put the word "crossover" at the beginning of your prompt and list the fandom you're crossing with.
* Submit as many prompts as you'd like.

Sample Prompts

Kara & Helo, slap
Adama, abandon
Leoben/Sharon, circuitry
RPS: Mary/Katee, lessons
Crossover, AtS: Lee/Angel, brood

O.k., so get to prompting. And please pimp this like a $2 lady of the night.

Stolen from femslash_today's Femslash Porn Battle which was awesome.

Prompts So Far

Adama, abandon
Adama & Tigh, history
Billy, notes
Billy, desperation
Billy, honor
Chief, hands
Ellen & Adama, rivalry
Gaeta, broken
Helo & Six, choice
Kara, scar
Kara, peridot
Kara & Adama, space
Lee, figure
Lee & Adama, book
Lee & Zak, chosen
Roslin, syzygy
Roslin, prelapsarian
Roslin, grief
Roslin, quiet
Roslin & Billy, security
Starbuck, ceremony
Zarek, steel


Cain/Kara, officer
Ellen/Saul, sacrifices
Ellen/Saul, sand
Ellen/Saul, dress
Gaeta/Helo, mistake
Helo/Tyrol, cut
Kara/Anders, game
Kara/Kat, frakked
Kara/Lee, cock(pit)
Kara/Lee, magazine
Kara/Racetrack, smooth
Kara/Tigh, wildcard
Lee/Helo, gym
Lee/Six, heat
Lee/Zak, repressed
Roslin/Adama, green
Roslin/Adama, theory
Roslin/Adama, confrontation
Roslin/Billy, reminders
Roslin/Leoben, gods
Roslin/Zarek, bloom
Roslin/Zarek, blood
Roslin/Six, satin
Sharon/Starbuck, sunshine
Tigh/Adama, arms
Tigh/Adama, duty

Jamie Bamber/Katee Sackhoff, wrong
Jamie Bamber/Katee Sackhoff, shift
Tricia Helfer/Katee Sackhoff, bass
Mary McDonnell/Edward James Olmos, stairway
Tamoh Penikett/Katee Sackhoff, lift

Angel: Lee/Angel, brood
Firefly: Simon Tam & Helo, wandering
Firefly: Wash & Starbuck, hysterical
SG-1: Ellen/Vala, theivery
SGA: Adama/Weir, leadership
XMen: Lee/Scott Summers (pairing or no pairing), favorite


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