past layouts post

Jun 03, 2006 09:45

So I decided to make a post to keep up with my past layouts. So if this is on your friends page, just ignore it.

Dates used: May 16, 2006 through May 29, 2006
Made by: Me
Codes by: used from some of dooped's codes.
Characters/Show/Actor: Meredith and Derek (McDreamy) from Grey's Anatomy
I loved this header...which rarely happens with a header I've made. I normally don't like them all that much. But I liked what I did with the coloring and text on this one. And that scene (from the second episode, I believe) just rocks, so I had to make a header of it.

Dates used: May 29, 2006 through July 18, 2006
Made by: Me
Codes by: used from some of dooped's codes.
Characters/Show: The Doctor and Rose from Doctor Who
This header is almost exactly like my previous header from GA. I used the same style, the same codes, and the same font for the text. But I really enjoyed making this header because Doctor Who is one of my new obsessions, and these pictures were so gorgeous. It was very simple, but I love simplicity both in headers and icons, so I'm actually very happy with the way it turned out.

Dates used: July 18, 2006 through August 18, 2006
Made by: Me
Codes by: used from some of dooped's codes.
Characters/Show/Actor: The Doctor and Rose from Doctor Who
I definitely tried a new style with this one...and I liked it. It's a lot more complicated than my previous layouts, but I'm very proud of it. This scene breaks my heart EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I watch it, and the picture was breathtaking, so I had to make a header of it. :P

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