i'm happy, hope you're happy too. (A2A meme, day 2!)

Jun 13, 2010 01:22

That meme thing, I am still doing it. Today I get to cap series 1 too much. :)

Day 2 - Your Favourite Series: Series 1

Surprise! Well, actually, I said yesterday this would be my choice. And  it was obvious really. This is the show I first fell in love with. I then fell in love with the other two series too but it was never quite as amazing to me as this first one. I'd never seen Life on Mars so this was my introduction to the Geneverse and, as much as I love Gene because, you know, that's just how it goes, Alexandra Drake is and has always been my favourite character and the one in whose story I've always been most invested. I'll say pretty things about Alex in whatever day it is you get to talk about your favourite character, for today I'll just say her journey in series 1 is phenomenal. I've talked to a couple of people who don't really get why I get so crazy about this but her story, guys! She was just a kid and her parents died and deep down she always knew it  was her father. And then one sunny ol' day (on her daughter's birthday, no less!)  she gets shot in the head (let's all take a moment to grieve for the death of DI Drake now :'[) and she wakes up in some crazy place which she desperately wants to leave but where she gets to meet her mum and dad. And she keeps trying to figure out  why she's there and how to get home and because she's just one of those people she always thinks she knows, she always has a theory, always has a plan. And none of them work. And then the day her parents died is coming closer so she knows. This is it, she'll stop it and she'll go home. Only she doesn't. And then she doesn't. She thinks she has the whole thing figured out but, in the end, she has to see the whole thing again. It's not bad enough that she can't save them, she has to be there again to see her parents die while she can do nothing about it. IS YOUR HEART BROKEN OR DO I HAVE TO GO ON? *wipes tears* In the meantime, she learns that her mother was having an affair with Evan (who hits on her). But it's not all bad, do not despair! She does get to bed a Thatcherite wanker and have amazing chemistry with Gene Hunt. (You might remember a scene set in a vault? Yeah, I thought you would. Type Keeley Hawes on youtube and see what the first video is when ordered by "relevance.") There was a lot of fun to be had in series 1. Gnomes! Pink tanks! "He goes boom, he goes boom." and the usual Chris & Ray shenanigans. And and and! There was a clown. I used to watch the eps in bed on my ipod when I first started with it and let me just say. That clown? HE IS LEGIT CREEPY. And awesome.

I went a liiittle overboard with the caps (I tried to be democratic and include everyone, you all really need to give me kudos that it wasn't All Alex for the 64 caps, it could definitely have happened) and really must stop staying up until 2 AM to finish these things but I tried to include whatever I thought was prettiest all the Big Things of series 1. One of the things that caught my eye right away and that I love, love, love about the series is the creepy car explosion / Alex's childhood imagery they scattered throughout the series. I think that really sets it apart from the other series (series 3 did have creepy imagery too actually, that was fun and awesome!) I don't even know why I love it so much but I do. ♥♥ Bref, I love this show and I love this series. And the fact that Alex never did get to go home might make me cry. Just a little bit.

Ashes to Ashes 30 Day Meme

Day 01 - Your favourite episode+
Day 02 - Your favourite series +
Day 03 - Your favourite quote +
Day 04 - Your favourite song +
Day 05 - Whatever takes your fancy +
Day 06 - Least favourite episode
Day 07 - A scene that made you cry
Day 08 - A scene that made you smile
Day 09 - Favourite fanfic/icon
Day 10 - Your favourite cast member
Day 11 - Your favourite cast photo
Day 12 - Your favourite promo picture
Day 13 - Your favourite Ashes Tumblr
Day 14 - Your OTP
Day 15 - Your favourite OTP scene
Day 16 - Whatever takes your fancy
Day 17 - Your favourite theory
Day 18 - Your favourite character
Day 19 - Your favourite Gene moment
Day 20 - Your favourite Alex moment
Day 21 - Your favourite Ray moment
Day 22 - Your favourite Chris moment
Day 23 - Your favourite Shaz moment
Day 24 - The scene you found the funniest
Day 25 - Whatever takes your fancy
Day 26 - Your favourite weekly storyline
Day 27 - Most WTF moment
Day 28 - Favourite series finale
Day 29 - Favourite quattro scene
Day 30 - Favourite pub scene

I wasn't so bad with studying today actually but I really shouldn't still be up. dfjfdshfk good night!

tv: ashes to ashes

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