I seriously want to delete my Facebook. I spend hours on there every day, and what do I have to show for it? I love my Livejournal because I can look back and see where my life was all the way back to 7th grade, but Facebook? Facebook is useful if you like girls you went on one date with blowing up your page with "<3333"s and making you look like an idiot.
I can't bring myself to delete it yet, though. It's how I network with a lot of people I would otherwise lose touch with. It's also the best way to keep in contact with girls you're interested in while you wait for them to come back onto the market. I suppose these are *not* good things, but I'm just not ready to give it up.
Once I'm moved I am going to start scheduling my days in order to be more productive. Possibly keep a notepad on the wall with my assignments for the day, for example:
09:00-11:00 - Wake up, go running, take a shower
11:30-12:30 - Financial Accounting class @ school
01:00-02:00 - Weights, situps, and jumprope
02:00-03:00 - Work on Steel Cathedrals record.
04:00-05:00 - Study, homework, economics reading
If could give one hour a day to all my areas of interest I would get a ton of work finished, and still have all my evenings completely free. However, I know I'm likely to get distracted by Facebook during most of this and spend my day talking with
twizdizzy about funny internet shit and anime nerds gone wild. Not that I don't love that, but I'm a 24-year-old who is busy as f--k.
Damn you, Facebook.