I am 18 days away from my 24th birthday. It's a strange feeling. 21 is young, 22 is the second year of 21, 23 is kinda like 22, but 24? 24 feels like the beginning of being a adult adult.
I feel like an unstoppable force that's not quite sure where it's headed. Since I retired from the band scene early 2009 I've been banished to a kind of a post-teenage purgatory. No longer a teenager, but definitely not an adult. It's a mental block more than anything: I have to have that degree in my hand, and the next chapter in my life won't start until I do.
I have a tight network of four friends that I'm very happy to have. These are real friends, not the 100-odd wannabe rockstars and hanger-ons I grew up with. Not moving to Minneapolis yet has been kind of a downer, and I'm glad I have some great people here to stick it out with me until I make the move next summer.
I also recently met the girl of my dreams. But she has a kid, and kids aren't in my scheme of things until i'm approaching 30 (at least!). So she's been evicted as my dream-girl.
A lot of people will say things like life is about compromises and you can't have everything you want in life. My reply to that bullshit is "Maybe in *your* life. Not mine." I'm not giving up until I have everything I want in life.
You know that Fitzgerald quote that goes There are no second acts in American lives? It's either out of date or a complete load of shit.
Until I reach the next act, here's to another year of feeling incomplete.