ok. . well,yesterday was fun. michelle came over and. . . well, the pictures explain it all. .
michelle decided she wanted to eat and in the process of taking out the food out of the microwave, spiderman jumped on her back thinking she was the evil villan emo vixxen which surprisingly looks just like michelle. .
then theres kikis for everyone in my family who knows kikis well this picture explains it all. . [sighs] always on that damn xbox. . .
josie.i have NO IDEA WHY SHE WANTED ME TO TAKE THIS PICTURE OF HER! shes just wierd and some how thinks this picture is funny we'll humor her and go along with it. .hahhahah [but really we're laughing AT her not with her] *chuckles*
heres all three of us again. . see josie trying to get our attention by making a funny face?! how pathetic! jk
oh! heres michelle showing off her marketing skills!. . she selling thingy's. . i dont know wat they're called. .
and heres a picture of michelles ass. . man its big hahahahhha
ooh! ooh! ooh!. . look at josie's and my eyes!. . .
theres me. . they caught me off gaurd. . damn them!. . lol. . .
oh and the last picture is of Ron Stopabble?. . ok. . well michelle likes this cartoon and took a pic. . .
well thats it theres more but, meh i dont want to put them up. too lazy. .. toodles!