My poor dog :(

Jun 07, 2009 04:49

I am so upset, someone came onto our land and set a snare or trap of some sort and my dog Hope got caught in it.
I wouldnt be so mad, if Hope had went some where off of our land and get into it,but no it was on our land.
We have 5 acres fully fenced in, plus a underground fence system for Hope, so she has plenty of room to run. She never leaves our land.
She wouldnt come when called for almost 2 days, but we finally found her hidden in some tall grass. Right away we noticed something was wrong with her leg. As I looked closely, I realized that I could see straight threw it. At first we thought she had been shot,but after we got her cleaned up, we could see the line around her leg, like what a snare would leave. Her foot was badly swollen and smelled horrible. Since she still wasnt in the trap, that means who ever did it, let her go, so they know that she was hurt.
We got her to the vet first thing this morning and sadly, they have to take her leg Monday Her lower leg is broke and has no blood flow, its ice cold to the touch, and nothing can be done to save it. I know dogs can do fine on 3 legs, but it still breaks my heart that such a healthy dog has to lose her leg becouse of someone decided to trap on our land.

The vet says the bill will be about $760 when everything is done and taken care of.


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