Girls' Night, Pizza-Place Fun!

May 09, 2009 07:05

 Yesterday was fun, but I spent most of the day feeling really tired and sluggish.  I haven't been getting much sleep lately due to the excitement I've been feeling for my upcoming trip to see the love of my life graduate from Basic Training.  His family and I are supposed to leave on Wednesday, and I have been so emotional and so crazed this past week.

On Thursday, Lauryn and I had a Girls' Night, which was really enjoyable.  I love hanging out with her -- I really missed out all of those years that we were kind of spacey in terms of each other's lives.  We're cousins, so we always have been close in that sense, but for a while there, we went through a phase where we really didn't talk much outside of family gatherings.  It's nice to finally have that support system back again.  I really missed that.  We went to Islands for dinner where I had a delicious veggie burger (yum!) and then went to Mojo, this new frozen yogurt place in the midst of CityNorth.  I've been to it before with Brynne, but it was fun to go with Lauryn because she had never even heard of it before.  I want to take my mom sometime, too.  I think she'd like it.

The next day, I really didn't do much.  Lauryn left early, and I just laid low all day.  I cleaned a little bit, but stopped so that I could get ready for the evening out.  I went with my parents to see my brother play music at this little pizza restaurant.  All of his friends came, and I thought it was so sweet how they all supported him and stayed the entire time.  Mackenzie, his girlfriend, was there, and she was so sweet, as usual.  I love her -- she's so good for him.  Well, they are so good for each other.  My brother is such a little gentleman, and it is so nice to see him with someone who is as kind as she is.  I can't believe he is graduating from high school in just about two weeks' time.  MY BABY BROTHER!  It's just crazy to me.

After my brother's gig, I watched a movie with my mom.  I have been wanting her to see "Bride Wars" -- it's such a cute, girly movie -- so that's what we watched.  She loved it, and it was some nice bonding time that we spent together.  I didn't get much sleep last night, yet again, so hopefully I can get to bed early tonight.
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