Written for the
walker challenge #3 Family
By Marea67
About: Kevin / Scotty
Rate: G
Disclaimer: Brothers & Sisters doesn't belong to me.
Word-count: 108 words
Curled around the sheet are ten little fingers.
The sweet scent of bath and soap still lingers
And there are two fathers, their smiles filled with pride.
Because there’s happiness they don’t bother to hide
For in this crib, gone to a dream-world far away,
Sleeps their child, after a long busy day.
They share a glance with warmth and love
This is the child they both dreamed of.
And under the mistletoe the two men kiss
They have found out what the greatest gift in life is
It may be so insignificant to many and important to some
But, through this little child, a family they have become