Life, The Universe and Everything.

May 27, 2009 10:42

Cousin is getting married.
Moved in with the Fiance.
Getting a Kitten at some point.
Currently lacking a couch, job, entertainment center and that cat.
1 Semester left.
The 2 BFFs are back in town.
Waiting for a woman to call me about a job.
Helping Cuz on wedding, cuz I'm maid of honor.
Excited to get to start on my own wedding.
Batcholrette Party this Saturday.
Spanish Final next Monday.
SDSU Grades this sem.= 4As 2Bs.
Broke as a Joke till the boo gets paid (Or i get a job).
Glad to be out of the house, again.
Loving that the US Gov is paying for our apt.
Workin' the system.
Do NOT want a baby.
Fams freakin cuz I might not have the wedding in a church.
Don't care about church anymore.
Only eating Pasta for the week.
Wild Animal Park with my 2 favorite females Friday.
Really want that kitten.
Going to send in my app for her.

That's all for now.
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