Apr 04, 2004 08:08
BRRRRRRRAAAAATTTTTT....yo i aint neva skerd!
this weekend was a quite the weekend.
many many quotes.
this should be a long entry.
name haven't been changed to save the innocent...these people are hardly innocent.
mr.pink- "dude i wish i was like him. he gets chicks...and brownies.
jack- "yeah"
mr.pink-"yeah man check out her"
jack-"yeah i want that... no man i want those brownies."
I saw hellboy friday .thought it was alright. i mean cmon you know your hero is cool when he can procrastinate on rooftops with nine year olds and his main priority is saving kittens.
that night went to geroges.wow that was werid. "hurt nipples" got mauled like a tiger.i beat him like a red headed step child. "mr.black" got sick to stop getting sick...hardcore. "miss saigon" and "boonies" showed up they were two of the more level headed ones,well except for that whole porn idea."mr.blue" lost his phone and i told him what his story would be telling his parents.
-so how was the trip?
"weapon X" pulled a tennese williams on "booty call"
there was great food at the party and we played manhunt late at night.
me and "mr.blue" had a good match on rooftops
me "maverick" and "mr.black" had a good walk and talked about the degredation and molestation that ensued and laughed at queens. UTZ!!!i came up with a theory about "mr.blues" farts smellin like potato chips. those shitty ones that are air sealed. only me "mav" and "black" got it because we are products of the ghetto...yoyo represent.that was funny. and sadly true...stinky ass "blue".
as someone eloquienly put it we were "wrecked"
it seems the space between friday and saturday doesnt have room for sleep for me anymore
oh aphex twin...
there is no more coherant thought in this entry so screw it im logging off.