How much do you know about your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?

Dec 20, 2004 01:22

I've been a Spider-Man fan all my life, and I just can't stand it when I have all these posers around me saying they love Spider-Man too, when they don't know dick about the character and I felt I should test the mettal of anyone who claims to be a Spider-Man fan. So take the test if you dare, and we'll find out if you are, in fact, a fan or just a dirty poser.

1. What was Spider-Man's first appearance?

2. Who is Ben Riley?

3. Excluding the Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus, who have been in the movies, name five of Spidey's major foes.

4. How many Green Goblins have there been? Name them all.

5. Who created Spider-Man?

6. Excluding Mary Jane Watson, name three of Peter Parker's love interests.

7. What is the significance of issues #121-122 of Amazing Spider-Man?

8. In which issue did Peter Parker and Mary Jane marry?

9. What is the real name of Spider-Man 2099?

10. In which issue did the alien costume first appear?

11. Name five artists who have drawn Spider-Man.

12. What is the Prowler's first name and in which issue did he first appear?

13. Liz Allen is related to what Spidey villians and what is her relation to each?

14. What is the name of the scientist who built the first spider slayer robots? What is the name of his son?

15. What is the name of the private detective J. Jonah Jameson hired to find out how Peter Parker managed to take such great photographs of Spider-Man? What Spider-Man villian did he eventually become?

16. Who is Quenton Beck?

17. What is Kurt Connors also known as, and how did he get to be that way?

18. What is the Punnisher's real name and in which issue did he first appear? (Extra credit!: Which Spidey villian tricked the Punnisher into believing Spider-Man was a bad guy?)

19. In the Spider-Man movies, who did Bruce Campbell play?

20. Peter works as a freelance photographer at the Daily Bugle. Name four other Bugle employees.

21. Professional hitman Jason Macendale has had two separate identities as a Spider-Man villian. Name them.

22. Spider-Man teamed up with three other Marvel superheroes to form the new Fantastic Four. Name them.

23. Name five Spider-Man writers.

24. Who was the Master Planner?

25. What were Peter Parker's parents' names and what happened to them?

26. Name the original Sinister Six.

An in closing, your mom.


Marc and Becky
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