Teaser Tuesday

May 17, 2011 03:54

This kind of thing usually gets posted at my blogger site, but they're having issues tonight, and can't autosave, so I'm saving it here, by posting it....since I don't have a word program on my computer.
And, what the hell, Teaser Tuesday is fun anyway! :)

All of a sudden I feel like I'm in panic mode...

I can't believe there is only two more weeks of school left (and paychecks)

I can't believe that the year is going by soooo fast!

I can't believe that my laundry is piled up soooo high!

I can't believe that it's already 3:30ish in the a.m. AGAIN! and I'm still awake AGAIN!

I can't believe that it's RAINING AGAIN, and cold again thus more painful again....

I can't believe I almost forgot to post a teaser tuesday!

So I'm only posting for one book today.

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B of Should be Reading. Full guidelines are at the link above.

Don't post spoilers, that's just bad manners.

Do try to tease with your selection of two sentences (sometimes I post more than two...some times people post whole paragraphs....But it's all in good fun)

I thought I was going to be able to finish this book on Monday, but no, I goofed around, watching Dancing with the Stars...then messed around on Cityville and Farmville....sigh.

The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron

from page... 142

' "I don't believe it," Josef grunted, shoving Eli off. "That was your great escape plan? Hide inside a rock?"

"It worked, didn't it?" Eli snapped back. "Besides, do you have any idea how hard it was to convince that boulder to hide Nico in the first place? Before the other nonsense sent it into a panic?" '

Reading this novel, reminds me of watching a swashbuckling adventure with a cheerily wicked and charming hero/bad boy. :)

teaser tuesday

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