Jun 22, 2010 19:43
I don't often read very many reviews on Amazon.com - mainly because I don't agree with a lot of their practices. However, I do post reviews for authors when I enjoy their books, just to add more positives to their reviews. Once in a while when I notice a one-star review from a book that I think is way better than 1 star I have to wonder what's up. So I've been taking a peek here and there.
It seems that some people can't buy books right away, or for whatever reason , to read on their Kindle. So apparently, they have decided to put a one-star review complaining about this on the books. Now I haven't really researched the whole publishing business but I don't think the author has much to do with that end of the business. It's not up to the author whether th6e book will be available in e-book form. And sometimes, the publishers don't seem to make the books available right away in that format. Maybe it's not fair to Kindle readers to not be able to read books on Kindle the MOMENT they get published, but it seems GROSSLY unfair to skew an authors rating or make it look like someone doesn't like their work when THEY HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE BOOK - for what ever reason. This is a lame way to go about letting displeasure known. Just write to the publishers for god's sake! Ask for e-book versions quicker. but slamming a writer via one-star reviews just punishes the writer - it doens't help get anything else done.