Mad ol Penguin: i'm so happy with myself
saheneghan: ?
Mad ol Penguin: i have just released unspeakable evil.
Mad ol Penguin: i called upon the pimp lords... and asked them to set their lowly fat whores upon the idot ones.
Strata124: you are truly evil
Strata124: I like it
(this is an inside joke. last year we went to a kevin smith show and he told a story about how a guy pissed him off (but the guy had never met kevin smith...) and he just walked up to him. stared at him... and cupped his balls. not sqeezed or hurt them... just held them... gently...lovingly even... just to FREAK HIM OUT...
TheLoneTrombone: hahah, you coulda taken him
TheLoneTrombone: maybe
Mad ol Penguin: lol meh
Mad ol Penguin: i would have just grabbed his balls.
Mad ol Penguin: and twisted
TheLoneTrombone: or you could've just cupped them and held them gently
Mad ol Penguin: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Mad ol Penguin: lovingly even
Mad ol Penguin: and just stood there.
TheLoneTrombone: hahahaha, yes!
Mad ol Penguin: seen the naked jessica alba pic yet?
TheLoneTrombone: nah, you got the link?
Mad ol Penguin: you're so cruel
Soccerguya: yeah the world needs more hot bi s
Soccerguya: i have always said that
doberman128: sarah asked me to have sex last night
doberman128: she's really a horndog
Mad ol Penguin: really? you too?
doberman128: well her labido is out of control
doberman128: anythin with 2 or 4 legs
Mad ol Penguin: hahaha don't even try to make sense of it
Signol01: this sounds awfully similar to Clerks
Mad ol Penguin: oh god you're right
Mad ol Penguin: i am DANTE