Friends Only! You Over There...You Heard Me!

Feb 12, 2010 12:29

Since this is my only unlocked post, and because it previously said. "Friends only, comment to be added." the journal rating meme rated my journal as elementary reading level. That irked me, and led me to write the following ridiculous rephrasing of "Friends only, comment to be added.":
Amicable individuals that have previously made my acquaintance are henceforth the only individuals allowed permission to view the musings and transcriptions of thoughts located at this particular congregation of my most personal thoughts. I request that you leave correspondence at this location should you desire to affiliate with aforementioned individuals.

My journal is now rated as High School reading level. See? Using superfluous wording does make you sound like a butt wipe more intelligent. At least the internet thinks so.

This has been a long time coming. Drop me a comment and tell me where I know you from (fandom, life, whatever) and we'll go from there 
thanks to bistyboo1974  for the lovely fo banner!


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