(no subject)

May 29, 2007 23:39

Player Information
Name: Jackie
LJ Username: inanutshell10
'Hogwarts is Home' House: Claw

Character Information
Name: Marcy Hourigan
LJ Username: (if available) marcy_hourigan
Location: She grew up in Salem, Mass. but lives in London for work now.
Former House: Hufflepuff
Age: 23
Birthdate: November 12th
Occupation: Healer at St. Mungo's. Marcy is trained for all levels of the hospital but generally works with any children that come in with illnesses and if that's too slow she works where ever she's needed the most.

Bloodline: Pureblood
Heritage: American - British (Grew up in America but has family in Britain)
Personal History: Marcy grew up just like any other American child would. Very little of her early life consisted of magic aside from things like the Wizard of Oz and the Salem Witch Trials. Her parents, even though pureblooded, tried to expose their daughter to as little of magic as they could.

It all started when Bridget and Anthony were both in their seventh years. They had the classic friendship: the one that should last until the end of time, the one where you know that even though you're only considered 'friends' it's definately more than just that. The two were destined for each other even though Bridget's family was for Voldemort and Anthony's against. Knowing that it would tear apart their parents to see the two families collide, the crazy kids ran off to America where they got married and settled down in Massachusettes. Since Bridget and Anthony knew that any children they had would likely have magical qualities, they tried to distance themselves from the wizarding world but at the same time expose their children to it. That was why shortly after moving to a small town in Massachusettes they moved to Salem.

After being married for 6 years now, they decided it was time to start a family and were blessed with their first child, Maxwell. All but 2 years later, Marcy was born. The two of them grew up together, neither despising each other nor falling all over each other. They tolerated each other and before long, what Bridget and Anthony were dreading happened. Maxwell got his letter to Hogwarts and soon after was sorted into Slytherin like his mother. Marcy, slightly jealous, just shrugged it off per usual and continued her muggle schooling.

Having not talked with their parents in over 17 years, Bridget and Anthony figured that they could atleast present their children to their grandparents and expose them to their true lineage if they were going to be taking Maxwell to Britain anyways. Bridget and Anthony knew the reaction they were to get, and got just that - disgust, yet happy reactions. Both of their parents shunned them out of the house, but told Marcy and Maxwell they were welcome anytime they pleased because their parent's stupidity wasn't their fault.

Two years later and it was Marcy's turn to go to Hogwarts. She was sorted into Hufflepuff though like her father instead of following her older brother. While in school, Marcy focused mainly on her studies and if there was any extra time, she spent it flying. In her 4th year Marcy became the Seeker on the Hufflepuff team and played against her brother - Seeker to Seeker. For the most part, they were an equal match with Marcy beating her brother only by inches in most games.

Upon graduating from Hogwarts, Marcy started her training to become a Healer and within 2 years of training she became what she is today. Much to her parents dismay, both Maxwell and Marcy became Death Eaters after Hogwarts as well - Maxwell being persuaded by his classmates and grandparents, and then persuading Marcy as well.
Personality:Marcy is a true sweetheart. She especially loves children and every aspect about them, which greatly influenced her job. Marcy knows when it's time to be an adult and when she can let her hair down. You won't see her let her hair down though unless: she's drunk, you've taken it down, or you make her that comfortable around you. She can stand the presence of muggles, having been raised around them her whole life (even though her grandparents tried to 'fix' that).

Marcy doesn't anger easily, and even if she is angry with you she can hide it behind a mask. She's an artist at hiding her emotions behind a mask and loves fooling people by doing that. The only people who can see through her mask are her brother and fellow Death Eaters. Marcy's not easily influenced to do things either. She's immensely loyal, almost to a fault. Marcy is an extremely organized person with everything she does. When it comes to love, she's an old fashioned gal. She likes things to move slowly as well. Marcy's people skills are extremely up-to-par and seeings as though she has to deal with people on a daily basis, it's likely you'll find her in a chipper mood.
Physical Description: Blonde hair, brown eyes, 5'11", and 145lbs.
Preferred Body Model: Katherine Heigl

If this is your first UK character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.

Hobbies and talents - max of five: Healing/her job
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses: Loyal to a fault; emotions - Marcy tends to bottle up her emotions and hide them behind a mask, so every now and then she emotionally-explodes on someone and has a semi-melt down.
Areas of Magical Expertise: Potions, Charms, and the Dark Arts
Areas of Magical Weakness: Transfiguration, Astronomy, and Arithmancy
Broom: Nimbus 2000
Wand: 11 1/2', willow, unicorn essence

Alignment: For Voldemort
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