Jan 05, 2012 21:30
Thursday night is fighter practice night. I was looking forward to it as I want to fight a lot this year. I am hoping for three times per week, which will off course depend on the weather in this accursed area.
Spent most of the day watching random movies while trying to cut out a proper pattern for my gambeson. Once the clock rolled around to 7PM I was away. Fighter practice went pretty well. I feel that I am starting to use both weapons towards a more equal degree when hitting now, and not only when thrusting. I feel that I am maneuvering more instead of just moving, and I am dodging a lot more than I have been in some time.
Even with four straight days of working out, I feel pretty good. I have focused my eating towards better intake, which I believe also helps. I did not feel as tired as I should have, something I am stoked over.
Overall calories burnt today: 1124.