(no subject)

May 10, 2010 09:18

At a recent tournament I attended. and participated in, I was again surprised by the level of force required. When I attend a practice, I have no issues with having my shots accepted, yet when there is a tournament, there are issues. The higher the stakes, or the "glory issue" in a melee, the higher the calibration.

Calibration at these times go to such heights that I have issues with having anyone acknowledging my shots. I have therefore decided that I will no longer have any issues with the application of unconditional force in my blows. To put it simply; I will bludgeon my opposition until they whimper. To accomplish this goal, I have four main ideals:

1. Start using the shaved down swords that are already in use. These swords do not flex as much, and hit with much more force. I have always been against these, due to the risk of injury. I feel that by the actions presented by people, this is no longer my concern. They choose their own level of pain, and they have clearly shown me what they are wanting for.

2. Build more muscle mass. More strength equals more force behind the technique used in delivering the shot. More mass+more force= greater impact speed. It is no longer my concern if I hit with extreme force, the calibration of my opposition have clearly told me that they wish for this.

3. Improved technique. Better technique+more mass+more strength= One cant rhino if one is to busy lying on the ground trying to breathe. It is a simple concept, I will apply it in the future.

4. Complete disregard of my opponents safety in concern to my own impact. I will hit hard. I will hit with authority. I will not stop because it is my belief that I might have struck well. I will keep hitting until my opponent lies still, or has clearly screamed "Good", and stands, or lies, still. The actions of the multitude have shown me that I need to deliver this to the singular.

To accomplish this I need to spend more time doing pell work, with the main focus being on hitting with impact authority. I need to purge all thoughts of what I have used before have been sufficient. Therefore I will assume that my earlier impact have been due to my weight and size, and I will train to adjust my shots in the future to come from only hip, shoulder, and trajectory speed.

To counter the extra muscle mass that is bound to come from this, I will work to improve my cardiovascular ability further. I wish to be able to stand even longer, and keep hitting even harder. I also need to become stricter in my dietary routine. I am at a standstill at an even 300 pounds. While I could have lost much more weight, I will to my defense say that my clothes size have shrunk, while my muscles have already gotten a bit more defined, and I also have an extensive amount of skin left over.

I will however, also state that that is not a good defense. It is time to lose this last weight hanging around me, and start planning for a lipto surgery which would likely occur the summer of 2012. Summer is the only time I have off, and there is no chance of me missing Pennsic 40.

Does this new me sound strange and unreal? Uncomfortable in the eyes of those who know me? I am sorry if that is so, but these are my feelings after having lived here for 10 months. It seems that if I wish to compete in these tournaments that I used to enjoy, I need to put fear into my opponents. So that is what I will do. I will make them fear me. I wish for them to face me and know, with certainty in their hearts, that I will give them so much pain that they will whimper already before they take to the field. I want them to gaze upon me, and know that I am their fears incarnated.

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