
Nov 20, 2004 23:50

Yesterday I saw monkies and elaphants and all those cool animals at the zoo, bought pillows with roosters on them, then went out to dinner and had yummmy seafood chowder.

Couldn't find any seagulls anywhere though. :(

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c3g November 21 2004, 05:18:35 UTC
Not finding seagulls is a good thing.


marcusrebmann November 21 2004, 05:20:49 UTC
Not if you're looking for seagulls!


c3g November 21 2004, 05:38:42 UTC
Why the hell would you WANT to be looking for seagulls?


marcusrebmann November 21 2004, 06:45:46 UTC
for a present


In Remembrance of Thee- A beloved family member... sanctified4him November 21 2004, 06:45:51 UTC
In sweet remembrance of a beloved friend and pet, Gully.

You will always be in our hearts; we shall never forget the joy you brought to us the day you flew into our lives. It was no accident that you were brought to our doorsteps. You were truly meant to be with us. Forever and always, we hold you near. Forever and always, we will love you.

Rest in peace, dear friend...

"...Amazing Grace how sweet the sound..."

*plays taps*

*plays Amaazing Grace* (w/o bursting into tears of laughter)


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