Check out this site:
NatureMill: Automatic Indoor Composter. Now you can make your own compost right in your kitchen! It's really cool, and REALLY expensive. But otherwise cool.
I've been trying to get more green. For starters I put a container for recyclables in the kitchen. Delaware utilizes central locations for residents to drop off recyclables. The one nearest me is in the parking lot of the high school. There are dumpsters marked with what can be recycled, including stuff like household batteries and plastic grocery bags. So once a week I will be taking my recyclables to the drop off location.
I used to be very religious about my recycling when living with my parents. I went so far as to rip out the plastic windows on envelopes and recycle the envelopes. Since moving out of my parent's and to another state, my recycling efforts went right out the window. I've been throwing it all away. Now it's time to start the process all over again. Time to get back on the planet's side!