Just some pix

May 18, 2008 09:24

Just two photos for today.

First up is Old Man Elvi! He has a lot of skin, using my hand I push it from the back of his head to the front so he has all these wrinkles on his face. Makes him look like an old man! Or a muppet. What's a muppet? Well, it's not quite a mop. And it's not quite a puppet. But oh man! Ahh... Fond Simpsons memories. Anyway, here's Old Man Elvi in his wrinkle free, unassisted state. Doesn't he look cute? He's really only a puppy. A HUGE puppy!

Keeping with the dog theme, Pike Creek park has this sign by the entrance. I swear, nobody reads in Delaware. ESPECIALLY the sign makers themselves!! Read this carefully. Okay, first we see that there are no horses allowed. Bullet #2 reminds us to yield to those unlawful horses. WTF? The REAL winner is the smaller, second sign. Okay, alcoholic beverages prohibited. But do I really need a LEASE for my pet? Someone's been watching WAY too many car commercials. Remember that one. Was it Toyota? The dog was talking to the owner about why the car has a leash. Then the owner informs the dog it's a LEASE. Funny stuff! I tried to find the commercial online, but failed, so just watch this funny transformer car commercial instead!

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