Apr 10, 2014 12:01
Well its been a while since I posted anything here so I will start with the more important stuff. My grandaughter Rhea has a heart murmur caused by a small hole in her heart. She has now been seen by a pediatric cardiologist from Great Ormand Street childrens hospital and its good news. The hole is small enough that she will not require surgery at the moment. She will be re-checked in a years time to see how things are progressing. One very relieved Mum and equally relieved Nan.
On the Adam Baldwin front, having been blocked on twitter for several months for who knows what, I have now been unblocked. Not that its made one iota of difference because he is still not speaking to me. Oh well, its his loss. (If I keep telling myself this it might eventually sink in). I'm looking forward to seeing his new show if and when one of our channels picks it up. To be honest Adam is an opinionated bully on twitter and tends not to even consider opposing views to his. So when he attends conventions and mixes with fans is that just an act or is his twitter feed just shit stirring for the sake of it? Possibly the truth is somewhere between these two extremes. From personal experience of meeting him he has always been charming and seemed to be genuinely happy to meet people. I still find him sexy as hell, he somehow gets my hormones jumping.
I haven't been to any conventions recently, after T4 was cancelled there hasn't really been anything that I wanted to go to or that I could make because it didn't clash with other things. I do miss LFCC and London Expo but its a pain getting there now.
My collection of erotic books and novels is growing steadily and has surpassed my previous favourite type of book, sci-fi. I've read the 50 Shades series as well as the Crossfire series and Simply series and many more too numerous to count. A lot of authors seem to write trilogys. This is fine as long as the whole series is available.
I love living on the east coast and feel more settled than I have in a while. I dont even miss Romford that much any more. There is a great group of people who attend the aquafit classes and we have a good laugh as well as getting fitter to boot. Having the grandchildren close and seeing them on a regular basis is wonderful and I now understand what is meant about being able to hand them back to there mum at the end of the day.
adam baldwin,