Herd Mentality

Dec 05, 2008 09:30

I'm real tired lately as a result of the regular activities of the school plus the double fencing practice. It's always rough this time of year, but it seems exacerbated this time. Probably due to the new curriculum I'm integrating as well. Sad that I won't be able to attend Christmas parties outside of NY, but we will be traveling to Ohio to see bitsyboo's family. Oh and did you hear? She got a neat job and seems to really enjoy it! Go bitsyboo! Purchases of wine (her company deals with packaging up tasty but not too pricey wines for purchase online) for people are definitely in the future.

This article highlights the problems with meat consumption in environmental terms. As the world population increases, and the numbers of middle class/affluent people around the world increase, the amount of meat consumed on a daily basis has skyrocketed. This has meant more farms for more animals impacting farmland or causing areas to be converted into farmland. It can impact price, but these animals spew out methane. The article mentions that "The trillions of farm animals around the world generate 18 percent of the emissions that are raising global temperatures, according to United Nations estimates, more even than from cars, buses and airplanes."

I'm a meat eater myself, but this then adds to the many arguments about cutting down meat consumption. Personal health, morality regarding how animals are raised/treated, cost, and impact on environment/global warming should all be considered. I doubt I'll go vegetarian/vegan any time soon, but it does make one pause and take stock. Chicken and Pork are pretty good in terms of carbon dioxide produced, but cheese is pretty high up there too.

This other article is about the family of the man who was trampled at Wal-mart suing all sorts of people over his wrongful death. What I did not know was that this guy was put out in front of the crowd because he was 6'5'' and weighed 270. "Those hundreds of people who did make their way into the store, literally had to step over or around him or unfortunately on him to get into the Wal-Mart store," Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence Mulvey said this week."

I'm not sure those lawsuits will actually hold up under scrutiny, but it's disturbing that police spoke with various stores immediately prior to Black Friday without any action being taken. They could put up a temporary line setup like at amusement parks to deny people the ability to bumrush doors. Common sense here people. This man's death should also force people, especially those who were at the store, to realize that their greed/opportunism has directly lead to someone's death.

Be well.
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