We were surprised when we found out this one was a boy. Thought I had told myself I had no expectations either way, and would be happy either way, once that little penis showed up on the ultrasound I found I had been lying to myself entirely, and had totally expected a girl, solely based on the fact that these pregnancies have been /so different/. At least, they feel so different. In truth, describing them, the differences aren't necessarily huge, but significant enough that I can't help noticing. To illustrate:
Nausea: James, very little, very mild, lasted a few weeks at most. BB2, very little, very mild, but decidedly more than with James and distinctly longer lasting.
Appetite: James, no noticeable change at first, eventually leading to ravenous hunger. BB2, completely lack of appetite during first trimester, with sporadic lack of appetite even now - to the extent that if I eat more than one serving, I feel pretty wretched. Far from the excesses I went to whilst pregnant with James.
Belly: This baby is carrying differently than James. I can't put my finger on how, I think maybe he's higher though, because I'm still wearing my prepreg pants pretty comfortably at 23wks, whereas with James I was in maternity pants by 8 wks.
Skin: James, my skin cleared instantly, stayed beautiful until after he was born. BB2, facial breakouts during first trimester, which have now mostly cleared up... except now I am getting hideous breakouts on my freaking /legs/ and /butt/. WTF? My legs look gross! Since when does this happen? On top of this, I have had eczema on the backs of my thighs and rear end since I was a little girl - it kind of comes and goes, but I have never had a flare up as badly as I have with this pregnancy. It's been hideous, and is just now finally starting to fade. I changed to an all natural shampoo and have been slathering myself with lotion at every turn, but it's still pretty miserable. Marcus tells me not to scratch, but dude... the itch gets so bad that I feel physically ill if I don't scratch it, and the muscles in my legs start twitching. Ghastly.
Weight: Not sure what I weight now, our scale's batteries are dead and I haven't bothered to put new ones in, but at my last prenatal appointment (that would be 19wks) I weighed exactly what I did when I got pregnant. No weight gain. With James I had gained 10-12lbs at that point. Probably related to the lack of appetite.
Sleep: I think I was tired some with James, but god, nothing like this. However, I think this has less to do with this baby and more to do with the fact that with James, if I needed to, I could sleep fourteen hours a night and take a nap besides. Now James isn't napping, is still waking once or twice during the night and needing to be resettled, is waking up at 8 AM pretty consistently... except now that he's potty trained and is staying dry through th enight, he's been waking up earlier because he needs to potty. AGH. I'm pretty pooped, y'all.
So I'm curious to see how the labor is. Will it be as pleasant and easy as the one with James? Here's hoping!