Long-time readers of my journal will know that I dislike it when the media uses Texas as a scapegoat. Such a freaky, freaked out people! Why are they so fucked up down there?
This just in:
Calfornia man beats baby to death by the side of the road. Of course, I have long believed that there is something naturally degenerate about the citizens of California. They don't hold the door open for the elderly. They are rude and talk on their cellphones in the most inappropriate of situations. They drive like maniacs and racial tension here is, as far as I can tell, always somewhere near the tipping point. Enlightened, sensitive and tech-embracing? Yeah, I guess so. That doesn't mean they aren't also bat-shit crazy.
My only point is that the feelings are mutual. That's not really helpful or "growthful" (as my life coach would have said) but it makes me feel a little better.
Fingerpointing! A favorite national passtime. And that's something we ALL have in common.