Preaching to the choir

May 10, 2008 20:15

Ok, I don't really need to tell anyone who reads this WHY I like Obama. And, for the most part, I don't think anyone needs converting. But there has been (and will be) talk about how he is not qualified for the job. And one thing I want to point out is that smart people are drawn to him. I think the nation's best and brightest are going to want to be a part of his administration.

Remember when Clinton went out of his way to appoint men and women of diversity? Wasn't that awesome?! I think it can and will be that way again. Long after we STILL haven't pulled out of Iraq and healthcare is still a joke (two problems that are not going to be solved presto chango) I think Obama's cabinet and whatnot will be a point of pride. That's my hope, anyhow.

Certainly Bush has proved who he really is by HIS appointments; A good ol' boy who hands favors to the highest bidder. And look at what we have to thank for it! Cronyism has been one of the ugliest dividends of the current administration. It will be nice to see a meritocracy in the highest office in the land. Not that Obama is above bestowing favors. But, you know, probably his ambassador to the United Nations won't be a xenophobic boob like John R. Bolton.
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