Sleep deprived Thursday

Oct 18, 2007 10:26

I keep waking up to my radio station proclaiming that they're live in NYC this week, and then I go back to sleep to strange dreams about Seattle being a suburb of NYC or something. An easy solution would be to NOT hit the snooze button and go back to sleep, but that's not an option for me. I'm a snoozer.


My parents are coming to visit me the first weekend in November. I enjoy hanging out with my parents, but it's a whole weekend of them in my little one-bedroom apartment. My one-bedroom that I live in more like a studio, since the bedroom is separated from the living room by French doors.

I've been bugging them to come visit in Seattle for years, but now that they are, I'm nervous. What are we going to do together? So I need suggestions.

If you live in Seattle, what do you usually do with out-of-towners? Any sure bets?

If you live elsewhere and have visited Seattle, does anything stand out to you as extra fun from your trip?

There are a few limitations:
  • My parents are in their 50s, so age is not an issue. But my mom has M.S. She doesn't have any disabilities from it so far, but she gets fatigued very easily. So, for instance, we might swing by Pike Place Market for the standard wander, but an entire afternoon shopping, etc. on the waterfront would mean she'd be done for the day, and possibly the weekend.
  • My dad is going in for outpatient surgery today because he tore his bicep when he was playing on some contraption. He swears he'll be recovered in no time, but we're all a little skeptical.
Speaking of my dad and contraptions, his latest passion is the unicycle he recently purchased. Nobody can say that I didn't come by my tendency toward non-standard obsessions naturally.


Interpol concert tonight with raveninthewind!

family, seattle

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