(no subject)

Sep 26, 2007 15:00

1) I have my initial consultation at the sleep clinic tomorrow at 7:30. It's going to be challenging not to sleep through it. I'll try not to joke with the sleep clinic staff about that fact, because I'm sure they hear it all the time. I AM NOT AS FUNNY AS I THINK I AM!


2) I suck at training people. Well, I mean, yes, software training is a fundamental part of my job, and I'm pretty good at that. But training people to do a job like mine? Totally not patient enough. One of my goals in life is to never manage people, if I can avoid it and still have the kind of job I have right now.


3) It is Wednesday, and I have already watched a lot of TV.

Heroes: Well, I think my violent mass of flail on Monday speaks for itself. I do a lot better with this show when I have no expectations, and I just enjoyed the heck out of it Monday.


Journeyman: This show is kinda promising, as long as the relationship issues don't get overly soapy. I kept having flashes of The Time Traveler's Wife while I was watching it, and then I would shake myself back into a, "No, it's more a whacko Quantum Leap procedural thing" mode. Watchable, but I don't know that I'll seek it out if I get rid of my DVR.


NCIS: I love Tony. I loved the way Gibbs was watching him after the undercover reveal. I could just see Gibbs cataloging all baggage Tony has been acquiring over the past year. I'm obviously reading my own slashy things into it, but I felt like Gibbs was simultaneously regretting Tony's lost peace of mind/emotional freedom, and kind of appreciating the fact that Tony is moving closer to being an emotional peer to uber-fucked-up Gibbs.

Also, is the director's totally unprofessional behavior going to eventually get her fired? That would be neato. I like the idea of a woman in that role, but I am hugely not a fan of Lauren Holly's "Watch me act out loud, and not terribly well" style.


Minor nitpicky note: Michael Weatherly really needs to be coached to hit the 'N' in Jeanne with confidence. I know end consonants in French are weird for Americans, but if she goes by the French pronunciation, she would totally coach her boyfriend to say it consistently as something like JHONN.

When I was living in France, I would hear this lack of confidence in those of my American cohorts with a weaker accent. It didn't matter that they had a strong knowledge of the language and that they knew the end of the word was theoretically silent. **There's a 'T' there, dammit! Are you sure I shouldn't voice it? Maybe just softly? It'll be quick, you'll hardly notice it!** And the opposite is also true, obviously. So many end consonants are silent or nasal that people aren't sure whether or not they should legitimately hit that final sound. So they hedge their bets. But really, it's either there or it's not. No safe in-between.


Hmmm. I watched Chuck and Reaper as well, and enjoyed them both quite a bit, but I don't know that I have anything to say about them. Both were cute and entertaining, and had likable, Jim Halpert-esque leads, so it will just depend on how well they sustain the tone and the humor. And, like, if they tell stories I care about.


I think that's all the rambling I have to do. I'm trying to get my apartment in order for people I don't know very well to see it on Friday evening for SGA and A Dog's Breakfast, but you guys will just have to forgive those stacks of mail and the shredding that needs to be done without judging me. ;-)
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