le sommeil me manque

Sep 24, 2007 11:18

So I didn't end up going to Portland after all. :-( Maybe next weekend. Or the weekend after, since L is starting grad school today, and her first weekend of homework might not be the most fun time for me to be down there.

At least I was productive this weekend. I got a lot of cleaning and most of my laundry done, in between sleeping and obsessing over band boys. I kinda hate mopping my kitchen floor, because I'm always afraid my crack-baby cat, Colette, will go in and start licking the floor. She does that sometimes. She's been chewing on my hair lately - I think she likes my current hair products. I hope she doesn't do it at night when I'm sleeping and can't bat her away.


New TV this week. Heroes! SGA! The Office! Overstimulation! It'll be a big test week for me, because I'm seriously considering getting rid of my cable in order to reduce expenses. This means I'll be left acquiring my TV in other ways, so I'll want to know in advance where my TV priorities are. It's a strange thought, going without my TV and DVR, but I rarely ever just turn on the TV and see what's on. I'm fairly obsessive about what I watch, but I don't watch anything else. And I'll need to keep my high-speed internet, because, beyond my crazy internet addiction, I also work rather often from home. So I'll get by with internet and no TV. But I'm having a hard time cutting the cord.


I have nothing of fannish interest to say. My current primary fandom is my apartment. Shopping! Decorating! Cleaning! There is no fic about my apartment, though.
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