Saturday Randomosity

Sep 08, 2007 21:11

1) I've been having extremely vivid dreams for the last month or so, and I'm really tired of it. I have often wished my imagination was more vivid since that's the main thing stopping me from being a writer. Minor detail, you know. Anyway, my brain seems to have taken me up on it, but only in my sleep. And even if the dreams aren't bad exactly, it's still disturbing to go from remembering only occasional dreams to having entire plotty but DREAM-induced stories hit me throughout the day.

Apparently I dream a lot about missing flights. I've had several dreams about being lost in huge, sprawling hotel/airport/resort complexes, running late for an international flight. And then realizing that I've left my passport at home. Last night I missed a flight to China. Very curious. I've done plenty of traveling, and it's a chore, but not a great generator of anxiety. I wish my brain would go back to giving me explicit dreams about Callum Keith Rennie. Oh, and that one about the pirate. That was a good one. Instead it's all stressful travel and me taking care of babies in minorly dangerous situations.

2) Why do all the frozen meals include red bell peppers? I like them fresh, but not so much cooked in with mediocre food.

3) I bought a little home stereo system last year that hooked in to my computer and played my digital files, and it was the coolest thing ever. I bought a new laptop recently, though, because my old one was dying, and it came with Vista, and now my stereo won't play my mp3s from the laptop because the driver isn't compatible with Vista. :-( It's not the end of the world, but it's very convenient to have my entire music collection available with the touch of a button. Now I have to go back to the old-fashioned CD route. Totally ancient, man.

4) How is it possible for Adrian Pasdar to be so damn cool? Each clip he posts is so random and silly and joyful, and then I go to the master list of all the clips he's posted, and it just hits me with its cumulative effect. It's just so whimsical and...It's the kind of things my drama friends would do in high school, actually. Which is what all these people are, but we don't see that side of most celebrity actors, so I forget that most of them are big ol' drama geeks at heart.

5) In conclusion, Frank Iero is pretty, and I may have spent more time than I need to looking at this photo:

adrian pasdar, frank iero, rl

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